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Update your BoxPlunge

Box 8 - Box 12 Only:

Go from "Activated carbon" filtration to "Polishing" Filtration

The MarineLand Included filter canister is set with carbon pellets however, you can always change it to a "polishing filter canister"



Clean polishing filter tutorial: (once a month)

You can Upgrade your timer  (Optional*)

Upgrade your ozone generator timer to a wifi-timer & control ozone routines from your phone

Example of an ozone routine:

  • 12:00 am - 12:30 am. "ON"

  • 1:00 am - 1:30 am. "ON"

  • 2:00 am - 2:30 am. "ON"

  • 3:00 am - 3:30 am. "ON"

Total of 2 hrs of ozone cleaning (recommended max. is 4 hrs)

Do you need hose for draining?

Get up to 50ft of hose for long distance draining in the link below 


Introducing SPA-friendly chemicals

One time addittives






  • Clarifier: 0.5 oz or around 1 Tbsp (Only if needed)​

​Weekly Additives:




PH readings:


  • 7.1 or below: add 1.5tsp of Alkalinity up powder

  • 7.2 - 7.3: add half 1 tsp of Sirona oxidizer

  • 7.4 or above: leave as is




Note: these was drafted by BoxPlunge and the info was extracted from "The Plunge" website. BoxPlunge has no SPA professionals so the results of these protocols are experimental in nature.

You may use chlorine for enhancing water sanitation (Optional)

Purchase a net for debris

Is your water debris visible?

A net will trap anything that you can see, purchase this net and keep it close to your BoxPlunge





Add an extra filter (optional)

Connect an extra filter onto BoxPlunge's electrical-box power-strip

​While not required and likely extra to have (unless you have a Box 19+), just be aware this is an option, the power strip that we install has an extra outlet for you to connect any device such as an extra filter:




Tip: If you add an extra filter, have it at a different configuration (i.e. if your current filter is set to active carbon have the new filter set to polishing)


Contact us and we'll send you an extra filter mount 

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