Maintenance of your Cold Plunge
Change filter cartridge:
Frequency: once a month
Takes less than 5 mins!
1) Open lid of BoxPlunge 2) Undo PVC gray union 3) Take complete filter canister away from the tub 4) Untwist the blue cap on filter 5) Empty filter and swap to a new filter cartidge. Once new cartdige in-place fill canister with clean water 6) Reassemble the filter blue top 7) Place underwater and twist PVC union back
Model: 2.5" x 10"
New Skimmer maintenance:
Frequency: once every 2 weeks
Takes less than 10 mins!
Enhanced procedure change the mideral ions frequency:
every 3 to 6 months.
Basic instructions:
1) Open lid of BoxPlunge 2) Pull skimmer up (until you release it from the water pump) 3) Disassemble bottom tray by pulling downwards 4) Disassemble white lid by pulling upwards 5) Rinse and clean mesh, tray and black strainer grills 6) Reassemble back by following diagram
Enhanced (use an extra filtering media):
1) Dissasemble unit by following instructions above 2) Add your desired filtration media (i.e. mineral ions) by filling up the space between the white mesh and the top white lid. 3) Reassemble the skimmer back by following diagram

How to avoid mold growth on the lid's rubber seal? (Especially if outdoors)
After use, dry the top frame of the cold plunge with a microfiber cloth
Prevention: Keep a microfiber washcloth near freezer & always wipe up stray splashes and drops after you get out. Maintenance: Once or twice a month you can wipe it with a 1:1 white vinegar/water solution. Removing current mold: you can use hydrogen peroxide or straight white vinegar, or "cleaning vinegar," which has a stronger acidity. Put the H2O2 in a spray bottle and saturate the areas with the mold. Let it sit on the surface for at least 10 minutes. Use the scruffy side of a sponge. Follow up with a damp cloth. This will deactivate the spores but it may not remove the stains. To remove the stain you'll need a mold stain remover.
Changing the water:
Takes less than 10 mins!
1) Connect the included bilge pump to a hose 2) Place the bilge pump at the bottom of your cold plunge 3) Carefully, connect the bilge pump to the nearest power outlet 4) Point the hose somewhere where water may flow 5) Once empty use a towel and some vinager to clean and dry the rest of the cold plunge. Use 3 parts water and 1 part vinager to clean it. DO NOT USE PURE VINAGER. 6) Re-fill it with water until the "IDEAL" level mark
Frequency: Every 3 - 6 months
Going away? Store your BoxPlunge!
Drain & dry unit if you are going out of town
1) Empty the unit 2) Fully dry the unit. Make sure it is fully dry 3) Place 2 large "silica pouches" to absorb humidity and avoid bad smells Note: You may use 3 part water and 1 part vinager to lighly brush the interior of the plunge.